
 作者  marlos (一期一會)
 作者  virkful (卡啦)                                        看板  GameDesign
 標題  Re: [企劃] 企劃企劃企劃企劃企劃的企劃
 時間  Tue Feb 15 14:45:01 2011

//路過, Susan
 Blizzard Entertainment MMO Item Design Intern Questionnaire
 1. What games are you currently playing?
 2. What are some of your favorite games of all time?
 3. Which MMORPGS have you played? What levels did your characters reach?
    玩過哪些MMORPG? 等級到達多高?

 4. Have you ever used any game editing tools before?
    Have you ever made a mod for a game?
    Are you familiar with applications such as Microsoft Excel?
    對MS Excel熟嗎?
 5. Name an item from World of Warcraft that you thought was particularly fun.
    What was good about the item? The art? The stats? The story?
    那物品哪裡好? 美術? 數據? 故事?
 6. Is haste a good stat for items? What kinds of classes or talent specs are
    most interested in haste?
    什麼職業或天賦對 "加速" 最有關連? (感謝chchwy, haste -> 加速)
 7. Name a set bonus that has appeared on any of World of Warcraft’s
    tiered armor sets. Was it a useful bonus?
    Was it overpowered or underpowered? Was it fun?
    提出一在魔獸世界任一Tier的套裝賦予的額外屬性. 這屬性有派上用場嗎?
    還是這賦予屬性 過強? 過弱? 這額外屬性有趣嗎?

8. Imagine the encounter designers are implementing a new boss for
    a 5-player dungeon that is a giant frog.
    請想像設計者們正要設計一新Boss "巨大青蛙" 於5人副本中.
    Your job is to create two new items that drop off this boss:
    a new sword for tanking classes and a new sword for damage-dealers.
    兩把新劍 一把供應於坦系職業  一把供應於傷害輸出職業使用
    What kinds of stats would you put on each?
    What would you name them?
    If the artists asked what they should look like, what would you tell them?
    Don’t worry about getting the balance or item budget just right.
    當美術問你這兩把劍要長什麼樣子, 你要如何告訴他們?


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